Editing Steps
I divide my editing process into two stages: macro edits and micro edits.
Macro edits
- Improve the document’s organization, flow, tone, and layout
Micro edits
- Minimize the passive voice
- Replace stuffy words and legalese
- Fix errors in word choice, grammar, punctuation, and citations
The Redbook, The Bluebook, and Typography for Lawyers guide all of my edits. I typically cite to them (or another authority) whenever I suggest an edit. See below for an example of my work.
My Philosophy
Lawyers are professional writers. Our goal is to effectively communicate legal analysis to the reader. To be effective, our writing must be clear, concise, and engaging. This means using plain English (rather than legalese) wherever possible, and removing unnecessary words and phrases.
As your editor, I will help you minimize the passive voice, replace stuffy words and legalese, and fix errors in word choice, grammar, punctuation, and citations.

My Philosophy
Lawyers are professional writers. Our goal is to effectively communicate legal analysis to the reader. To be effective, our writing must be clear, concise, and engaging. This means using plain English (rather than legalese) wherever possible, and removing unnecessary words and phrases.
As your editor, I will help you minimize the passive voice, replace stuffy words and legalese, and fix errors in word choice, grammar, punctuation, and citations.
Show, don’t tell.
Example of My Work

(Click image to enlarge)